
Publishers on the Open Internet

Curators are the publishers of Olas. They organise content into publications for the benefit of Readers. Curators can be people that sift through the vast trove of Olas content that will exist and present content to readers as newspapers, magazines and journals do now. They can also be algorithms chosen by readers to collate articles from contributors and topics the reader has a particular interest in.

Becoming a Curator

Anyone can become a Curator on Olas. An individual begins by registering on the site. Curators can be Contributors that already have accounts. Otherwise they set up their profile, choose a username and set up a wallet.

Non-human curators are pieces of code people can publish to Olas that can be associated with the identity of its human creator. That identity can receive tips from Readers.

Rights and Responsibilities

Curators - whether human or bot - can avail of Olas publication tools to create publications they think people will find interesting. Since all information is free to access on Olas, the entire database of Olas articles is at their disposal. They will be able to use their own branding and style using the Olas publication tools. Curators can receive tips from Readers for the effort involved in collating relevant content for Readers. However, any time an article by a Contributor is used, profits are automatically shared with Contributors. In fact, unlike with newspapers and scientific journals today, the majority of profits will go to the Contributors.

As is the case with Contributors, tips received for the information Curators publish are dependent on how the articles are judged in the markets. Consequently, Curators must have a good sense of which information is of high quality and which information isn't. Humans may use their own judgment from reading. Bots are likely to use Bayesian inference and only publish information from sources with a good track record.


People with a keen interest in information with a good sense of what is relevant and of high quality can earn money by collating information. If the internet democratised publishing, Olas will democratise the publishing of reviewed information. Anybody will be able to publish the work of anyone else in the knowledge this work is subject to robust quality control. Those that have a keen sense of what information the markets will view favourably will have good earning power in this system.

Last updated